Nowadays, more people than ever are choosing to compared banking online with their local bank. Here are 10 reasons why you should deposit your online, and then some reasons why you should bank online as well:
1. Freedom to internationally move around the world- If you’re a business that can ship your goods worldwide, what do you have to worry about when it comes to paying the rent and buying office furniture? A local bank may be able to charge you more than $1,000, but they’ll probably be charging you more than you would United States taxes. If you travel overseas, you can easily funds run the transaction online.
2. Easy and quick transfers from your home, or from anywhere else- banking online allows you to transfer money easily and quickly between accounts. Rather than have to pay a fee and a trip fee for your money to be transferred from your bank accounts to someone else, you can simply send the money from your account to your recipient’s through your online savings account. This makes it come back more quickly than you could ever imagine.
3. International business- When you’re a business that has international customers, you can make a lot of money with international payments. With the great surge of Wire Transfers (usually free of fee) to U.S. accounts, you can easily be doing business internationally with the right tools.
4. Wh Jones fees- Once you start making international payments, you’re liable to start payingWh Jones fees- which a majority of local banks charge you every time you send or receive payments for wire transfers for US products. Unfortunely however, Banking online gives you the ability to simply stop paying these fee along the way – you never have to pay Wh Jones fees again!
5. Smaller monthly fees- When you transfer money online, your actual monthly fee is lower than that of a traditional bank account. Many people will save money every month having most of their money transferred into an account that charges them only for the service they receive.
6. Personal security and privacy- By using an online account, you can keep your personal credit card personal- not a business credit card that someone could manipulate for identity theft. And when people carry credit cards, it’s easy to get easily distracted by the money and forget to pay.
7. No intrusive telemarketing calls on your home phone- If you receive annoying telemarketing calls every time you attempt to initiate a wire transfer, you can simply hide that number from your phone company.
8. No hidden fees if you’re an international client- Traditional banks simply charge you a fee or two every time you transfer money to any international accounts. An international account that doesn’t charge you for money per transaction is more than enough reason you should select banking online.
9. No additional reports to worry about- If you don’t bank online, the accounting fees for any hidden fees can get in your way and affect your operations. A better choice is a free online account that doesn’t cost you fees each month.
10. Fewer fees- It doesn’t matter how big or small you are – when you seal an account, your funds will be held in a separate account that doesn’t charge you additional fees.
If you’re a business that benefits from international business, banking online can really impact your operations by allowing you to access money from around the world without having to come to the nearest branch. Without having to spend just one extra dollar per month on fees for transferring money, banking online can help your company make it big. It’s time to start banking online and see your profits skyrocket.