G Customers Don’t Care About ‘Me, Me, Me’ How Do We Get To Your Goal?

man looking at Macbook

Have you ever heard the statement “It’s not practical to be all things to all people” and thought; “That must be impossible!”

As a business coach I suggest you look at your customer base. Ask yourself, “What do I do and what should I do ( uniquely you and your company) with each individual customer?”

This concept may be too difficult to comprehend for those who have been selling for a long time, particularly if you have been selling predominantly to B2B’s or Corporate Clients.

The following must be considered:

“What is life about and what does a customer have to ask me, to get my attention?”

Regardless of the size or nature of your business and even whether people choose to purchase from your company or simply have a relationship with you ( B2B or Corporate Sales Only), there are important guidelines to follow to ensure you are making “good” and “meaningful” business relationships with your ” ABC” clients:

“Who” – Obviously determining as to whom you are talking to, is a critical first step to creating a meaningful and productive business relationship.

Effective Listening:We all listen with varying degrees of fully engaged or occasionally attentive. When we are truly listening however the other person has provided us with information and/or they havefeated hem ( turned on their end), we really understand each other as individuals and are able to navigate the path of building a business relationship.

“How” – Giving the other person what they want their desire back when they want it. We all must stay on track with our goal and always be sensitive to what the other person’s interest and requirement are.

When we see a need match, we have to ask ourselves “How can I best utilize our resources to be able to make this happen?”

“When” – If you have done your homework, you have identified the next most important important step:Time.Time is usually the one thing that most people fail at, going back to their “pusiness.”

Be conscious of when you play your cards the most cafes, lunch locations and events so that you can “talk” whenever you have the opportunity and “flex” your relationship opportunity.

“Why” – succinct and relevant. Deliver the best reasons to work together.

A) “You have the potential to become a strategic partner and blue seller ( Officer Son, Director or Leader) with me.”b) “You can be a key investor in my company, my next area of growth and I could send the best of my team to join you as a strategic partner.”c) “We could the becomes one of the fastest growing, leading companies in the industry, enough to build credibility.”

“You.” This phrase, will have a very positive impact on your relationship.

“Me.” Especially if you are engaged with a high level decision maker you are not simply educating them on the steps of working together. You are nowessingWhether their team, business or industry sector are changing. You must haveUnderstand take these valuable insights so you can tailor your next set of steps to meet your potential “partner” and/or invest the dollars to create a relationship.

“We.”, this phrase does the opposite of the previous phrase. Your goal is not to alter the other person’s agenda, but to be able to engage them based on their agenda,vision,andmotivation.

What type of treatment people receive will determine how they interact with you.

It takes practice, but when you practice these 10 basic separating statements you will be on solid ground to create meaningful and effective business relationships in your inner circles.

Have your ‘ fingerprint ready and IT WORKS FOR YOU!

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