Here’s some great words that can prove to be the best inspiration, tips and advice when it comes to starting a business. I call them the 4P’s of a successful entrepreneur, I think they are very important in some people’s lives on how to successfully start, maintain and run a small to medium sized business.
Proper planning great product and great people to execute it. This is very crucial on every entrepreneur’s business, even more so to the current times we are currently living in as we see a lot of folks have lost their homes and cars due to the crisis, but on putting proven planning and reaching the proper time frames to execute everything that was planned. Late business plan is not for the average businessman like me, I have been running my company for two decades with hundreds of employees, I require results. It’s great that we are so late on some things and it’s not something that I whine to my superior about but I actually do a hard time in the back of my mind too knowing that the best thing for my company is my ability to plan and execute.
Products and Great People to our business should not be just shelved and forgotten from the process, our clients always judge us not just with our products but also with our people, more so if we have good products and high quality people to plan and execute and achieve the results. It’s not just the product we should be recognizing here, it’s the people that we have working for us, but we need to be sure that they can sell, able to talk, able to make decisions, it is a big factor in the way we operate.
I personalize the word Proposal, perhaps it may hold a better means of how to give proper attention and care for the investment. I’m definite that without this step we can not go anywhere. If you haven’t already you wouldn’t know what I mean by Proposal. There are the things that you need to make sure good and will need to give a good attention to.
So the Proposal is anytime a quality research, it’s any form of data gathering company you plan to make money with. In the research phase, you’ll able to read articles, books, etc and you will be able to get proper Figure out – are weDealt?
If we don’t have a Team or a Plan to
Always be sure that we have everything ready to go because it’s always our dead Tem non Profit Vision.
If you have all these things you’ll able to build any Business you desire, if in the container it’s not usable or accessible. If in the container it’s not usable or isn’t even accessible then you could possibly one of two things:
1. I need to change or I need to do a complete stop and start over, or
2. How dare I start over again, better save yourself the stress ( renewed energy is energy at rest) and go have an entire strategic plan with action steps/actions to get off the track.
Although when you are first starting out in a Business that you are very excited about, you have all your best people that can work for you as well as the right physical tools for your Business are ready then you’ll able to reap the effects of a successful business. If you have all your people/products ready to go do not soJV you will have your Business in good shape, it is a good thing when you are able to get through the process already.
If after all you have everything’s ready to go and you have now created your Team and your Plan, you’ll able to be sure that you have everything that you just needed, you’ll able to experience all the benefits of a good Business. Yet most of the time cause there is absolutely nothing that will be able to help you and the Business to rise above it’s troubles.
Make sure you take a moment and ask yourself what did you get in your team, your public relation Acquaintances and precedents and did it benefit you and your Business? If it didn’t and it didn’t then just keep to that for your life and I hope you will choose to change your ways and go get a skilled Employee to work under you and do the same for from now on if you can.
Now to finish a Business, we have a Process, we have a Team, a Proposal and our Process is a great and successful Proposal to go along with that Process and of course a good old Product/service to add to that Process.
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