If you use the internet to help determine the direction of your marketing efforts, it really probably won’t surprise you to hear that only one-third of your clients are drawn from your website alone.
So are you trying everything you can get your hands on to tell them where your business is located or will some other method do the trick?
Using Google tools
You need a tool to help you with keyword research and social media friendly archiving of all your online clients, visitors and liked and disliked tweets. I would recommend to you the use of Google Analytics. If you don’t use analytics, make sure you get a copy or else you will miss a whole range of information that can give you a whole new approach to a thing that everyone Who (and Why) you, think.
Always make sure that you can find your way back to your website.
Ideally, if you haven’t been doing any social media, then you should be getting some traffic from there as well. But of course, you always want to run a solid social media campaign in which you take what you’ve done with the website and replicate that into social media. By doing this, you’ll become appealing to all the different customers that you haven’t always been speaking to in the past.
Building up a list
If you go and get signed up to one of those HomeeatingSecrets, then you stand to gain an awesome amount of conversion rate for your restaurant. But, when I say take, just understand not to do everything for them. Make sure you maintain the business relationship with your website visitors by giving them the chance to put in their contact information. Keeping them interested should be a priority. They will see where to go with their questions and, in this point of view, you’ll be able to increase your conversion rate from lead to client.
So make sure you’re ready to build up a list of people in order to make your marketing strategies really pay off.
When it’s time to launch a new restaurant on Facebook, then start an awesome blog campaign. Make sure you type in your target market into the search bar and start blogging. There are many ways to get your blog going, one of which I highly recommend is WordPress – you can write and publish articles with this tool.
After you have established your blog and your audience; make sure you get to know your audience on a personal level as well. You will be able to build a solid relationship with your audience.
Redesigning your website
After you’ve got some restaurants up and running what you would like to do is to try and revamp your website. You can add new content with the use of testimonials and reviews. You can also create an opt- in newsletter from your blog.
So what you basically want to do is have a blog that has content that will appeal to your audience and then walk them through how the restaurant & the people that work there etc. run. That is all part of your “Marketing Plan”
The final thing that I need to share with you is a way of turning what you believe you need to be doing for your restaurant into a marketing plan; from your website down to your social media pages. I truly think it will make a huge difference for your restaurant business.
Just remember, there are new tools to help you with your website strategies that are so incredibly powerful. One of these tools let’s you discover all of your traffic. This is becoming a delve that is absolutely incredible.
And then make sure you launch a successful campaign.
Have great ideas? Feel free to comment below and let us know.