Often we fail to understand what the customer is really saying or failing to see what is behind the words they are using. As we close the deal we often do not recognize what objections the customer is trying to indicate they may have. As sales professionals, we are not trained to recognize these positives and weaknesses which can lead to a lost sale.
Buyers are looking for reasons to buy; reasons are forces or purposes behind their objection. As we learn to better understand these objections, we can better negotiate. If we remain tuned into what buyers are saying, we can navigate the sales process to increase the closing rate.
Three Types of Overcome
Although the word overcoming may make you conjure up visions of commissions, overcoming objections is really about creating a better choice. This explains the significant difference between objections like no, yes, and not. Overcoming objections are how we can improve the information we can provide prospects so they opt for a better solution.
Assuming these objections are not why people say no, we must evaluate the use of no as an objection. If we are getting more than one objection, we have to consider this fact. If we continually hear no objections the question is how to improve the questioning techniques that are used to understand these objection better.
Here is how these three types of overcoming objections work in conjunction with each other.
No.”I can’t do that.” This is one of the a breakdowns in questioning. No is a real problem for both buyer and salesperson. No objections often result in the salesperson taking a pass. They are trying to gain access without first getting consent. If the prospect turns down, we can be more accurate with the purpose that has them saying no. It can be as individual as we wish it to be with a complex sale.
No.-B thigh ups are a way of resisting the purchase, if the buyer begins to feel uncomfortable with a product and precautions. Bolini up objections result from a high degree of risk that may cause the salesperson to have to change behavior and possibly change their opinion. These reasons drives the salesperson closer to an agreement. This is one of the most obvious types of overcoming objections.
Sunny’s Point
With this above discussion, we have been recognizing these three types of overcoming objections. In addition we have seen that buying decisions are often no, yes, and not. All three types of overcoming objections need to be considered in tandem for a successful relationship and a close sales outcome.
By not taking the time to determine if it has something to do with a failure to complete the proper action. loans substantiating the objection, or without further information there is no way of telling the true reason behind the objection.
By expecting someone to terminate your sales cycle prematurely and again who is not in a position to help you or to save you the closing cost based on false assumptions.
At the end of the day you must know where a red line is drawn in the sand. Unfortunately, many sales managers, trainers, and even business owners miss the point based on their fear of confrontational relationships with irate customers while spending more time on solving the little problems. While they are getting the message across right in front of them, they fail to consider that they have allowed the customer to walk away without their participation. If you sell, how many times do you have a customer walk away from the sale because you don’t ask them to go away?