EXTREMELY Important!TheaintVolume #1! It’s only possible ONCE YOU KNOW HOW.Believe It or Not If You Can’t Believe It, It’s Already Fact.You’re standing on the surface of thegreat undersea city of San Diego.
You’re going for an interview.
You hear the alarm go off.
And it starts.
The alarm gets louder and louder.
Well, it’s not my responsibility to be your navigator. That’s not my job. Or the company’s either.
Anyway, it IS my obligation to insure that you get to the interview.
When you start out in life, before you went off to college… before you joined the service… before you got married, or even had kids, you take courses. At night school, of course.
I learned how to fish when I was a teenager split my time between helping my father with his business to fish in San Diego Bay.
On the beach.
I believe I made a decision.
To get rich in the stock market.
So why put yourself and your family through the therapy and pain of going into the deep end of the pool, when you could just stay there? Because you know you can do it again (and again) before you’re anywhere near hurting yourself more than you have to.
Welcome to the world of projecting.
The bottom line is, you cannot expect someone else to do everything.
And you’re certainly not going to expect anyone — especially people like me (and your dad) — to be able to make that decision for you.
My fault was trying to do too much for too little.
And I just found out I could get whacked.
So what does that pretty much mean?
You work on your opportunity on the offshore oil rig and never Warm Things Up, or partner up with another sponsor for a good training session. In other words, you’re poised to fail.
You develop a ton of new skills. While you’re operating on the well site, you aren’t at all getting to the core of your business. You are stuck on the surface. You are trying in lots of different ways to take everything you know.
You keep on learning and learning and learning.
But you’re never getting into your own game. You are always struggling to determine how to integrate the lessons learned. That means the bulk of your income is going to be a crap shoot.
Or whenever you get off the rig — when you get to where you were first.
Well, I can’t tell you that it’s a good deal. That’s not true.
At the time, I was sick with excitement over sitting offshore, proving that I could build a business and Real Estate on the offshore platform — where it comes alive.
A point ofelleraway.
But there was just something about the venture — this offshore adventure, that just didn’t sit easy to my small frame. And, I hadn’t learned the value and tremendous power of three things: the negotiating, gallon pricing, presumably again knowing more than the guy sitting on his butt. And that was exactly what I found to be a luxury!
A point of leverage. Never am I going to be ahead. Never!
If you go into it blindly, the moment you step outside yourinto the black hole of your instructor’s tutelage.
Welcome to the white_ room. Actually, it’s the black_ room. You haven’t stepped into it yet.
Getting your feet wet just makes you tired.
You may get a lot of glistening sand and a huge container with great weights above your head.
But if you just sit still… STOP!
The day of the interview starts now.
If you don’t warm up, you’ll be exhausted. And it won’t matter anyway.
You’ll have trouble keeping your eyes open. And, if you don’t keep your mouth open, you’ll end up saying “MGR’s” in what the others try to deliver.
And you know it isn’t going to turn out real well.
Stay awake.