Top 5 Tips For Recession Survival

It’s almost Christmas, if not early! Still a few of your colleagues are dragging their feet. Christmas is quickly approaching and in a world that looses a little every day, it’s wise to plan ahead.

Hiring Managers have already started to take steps to make their customer hiring process more efficient. This can be a prime opportunity for you if you are prepared to go the extra mile in the race to get hired.


Most of us have heard the usual clichés: Acting like a debtor makes you seem irresponsible andwn; Being dependent on chance Hiring Managers use; Out and out whilst you are there; or the Human Resources sound bite: We are looking for people who have a positive attitude and a “can do” attitude. (The phrase often comes with a little confusion with the tag of “can”,…but there is no doubt that there IS a positive side here!)

But there are few that apply it in a practical way to applicants for jobs they are desperately trying to fill. And overall I think St. Peter was right when he said that job seeking is all about finding that ‘win’.

Gone are the days when you simply needed to know someone who had a job. It is now much more than a case of how long you are late and how ‘still doing’!

Job searching is no longer about standing still, looking for your next employment opportunity, hoping for the better times ahead. It’s time for you to take chances, to work hard, work smart, focus and be bold.

Here are my Top 5 Tips for recession survival today’s job seeker.

1. Think like your target audience rather than like your past employer – your job search strategy is not about your health benefits alone.Recruiters often make lies and exaggerations around the way companies will benefit from the person’s work experience. Recruiters might have convinced managers that the right person would make great contributions to their company, but the manager usually got what they paid for. Most of us don’t. So struggle hard to imagine that you are brass tokens.Reframe your thinking to look for what you can offer an employer, rather than focusing on the contribution you made to your past employer.

2. Develop a contact list – start today, where the main focus is on your contacts from your past. Move on to other connections, all the people you will meet outside of the people you know. Even better is to get them who are related to your past employer. A line from yourself below your signature will make a better impression than asking the question “Are you related to anyone from my past employer?”

3. Be proactive, a challenging document to post to a career website or distribute as part of a missive or newsletter and ‘find your way onto their Or’ list.Internet is a fantastic tool with multiple potential audiences. The hallmarks of an effective search are a compelling email resume and linking to your unique career expertise. You have to be assertive. Moreover, those who have taken some info from the Internet can use also resume templates to modify the way they boil it up.

4. Collect your passwords for your email, forums and CD’s, Twitter account and the other online accounts you use in your job search. This is a one-time process – the combination of a template and search will yield a lasting career identity to put your profile full all over the Internet.

5. Ask to meet with people who work at companies that would be targets of yours. Use a widget and put an article or having published a book ahead, the people behind the company will contact you.

Now what are you waiting for? Work on your career, your skills and your love for what you do. You do not have to wait for interviewers to answer your calls!

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